Potts Point Hotels

Holiday Inn Potts Point, Sydney
203 Victoria Street Potts Point, NW AU
Click here to view a video of the hotelSurrounded by popular street cafes, bars and boutique shopping Holiday Inn Potts Point is set in the heart of cosmopolitan Potts Point, Sydney. One stop on the adjacent underground train takes you right into the city centre and thanks to the cross city tunnel you can bypass city traffic and arrive in Darling Harbour&regs entertainment precinct in just 5 minutes or gain fast, easy access to the Harbour Bridge and tunnel, taking you north. Grab a beach towel, turn your back on the city and a 15 minute drive lands you on famou ...
28 Macleay St Potts Point, NW AU Rating: NRMA 3 1/2 stars

Located in the heart of leafy Potts Point, overlooking magnificant Sydney Harbor, The Macleay is surrounded by some of the best restaurants in Sydney. Handy to all transport services - Bus, Train, Taxi - it is also close to Kings Cross, Sydney's Night Life Capital and is only A $7 cab fare to the CBD. The Macleay rooms are comfortable and all have fully equipped kitchnettes, and we offer 24hr respection, secured parking, pool and boasts "The Friendiest Service in town." ...