Exclusive Hotel Brescia
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Cities nearby Paris
Exclusive Hotel Brescia

16, rue d'Edimbourg
Paris, FR
Rating: 3 star
Close to the major chain stores in downtown Paris, this hotel offers a discrete charm and a warm, friendly welcome. Fully renovated in 2000, the hotel Brescia provides every modern amenity with rooms that are light and well kept and offering top quality personal service. Direct access to la Defense -15 minutes from Saint Lazare station-. Wifi internet.
Room Information
Standard Double/Twin
Roissy - Charles de Gaulle Airport: S
- From ROISSY - Charles de Gaulle: RER line B to Saint-Michel Notre Dame then take the metro* Airport shuttle: booking at your hotel only.
Orly Airport: N
- From ORLY: coach service to the Invalides, then take the metro.
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- Bar/Lounge
- Hairdryers Available
- Mini Bar
- Parking
- Television with Cable
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