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Tangermuende Hotels

Lange Str. 52 Tangermuende, DE Rating: 4-Star
In the 1000 years old emperor city Tangermuende directly located in the historical city-centre the Hotel build 1632 and so the oldest Hotel in the city offers all visitors its hospitality. 1992 completely renovated and modernized the Hotel was extended and comfortable equipped. To the main House are two Dependancen attached; the house in the Kirchstrasse was finished 1997 and the Stadtcafe was opened in 2000. In the inner court of the main house are 2 summer-houses as well as a wonderful hotel garden with res ...
Auf der Amt 1 Tangermuende, DE Rating: 4 Star Superior Class Hotel
Already emperor Karl IV. selected himself the castle Tangermuende to his favourite domicile. 1373 it had begun to convert those in the year 1009 in the chronicle of bishop Thietmar von Merseburg mentioned castle system to its further domicile. 1640 the imperial messuage was destroyed by Swedish troops. The Prussian king Friedrich I. established 1700 the building which is still here around. Since the 04. August 2000 one can now see in historical settings waht is so rare in our time. Peace and relaxation with v ...