Lamporecchio Hotels

Italy Hotel Club Antico Masetto
Via della Chiesa, 2
Lamporecchio Vinci, IT

Rating: Three stars
Situated in the center of Tuscany country, in Montalbano's hill, the hotel is near to the most important cities (Florence, Pisa, Lucca, Pistoia, Vinci, Siena) located in a quiet area where the children will be able to play on security in our big natural park near private poll.Everyday can be spent visiting artistic cities or going on excursion.Once back you will find a tipical tuscany cousine and wines of our hills. ...
Lamporecchio, IT

Rating: Three Star Superior
In the heart of Tuscany ?? between Florence and Pisa, Pistoia and Empoli, just 5 km from Vinci, the city of the genius Leonardo and site of the most important and original museums in the world about the artist, 15 km from Montecatini Terme and Pistoia - the hotel is known for its ability to ensure an extensive customer service focus and a personalized service to every guest. From the moment of arrival to the time of departure, the hotel, its staff and management takes service to another level, pr ...

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