Chiisagata Gun Hotels

Chiisagata Gun, JP
Kuwatakan allows one to indulge in calm ambience. The new hot spring has come out, and one can relax there, as well as in our expansive guest rooms, with a spacious bathroom and the bath. This is a reliable hotel at the highlands resort and maintains clean baths and guest rooms as well as facilities for many kinds of sports (a gymnasium, tennis courts, lawn playgrounds, a fishing pond, barbecue and cooking places). ...
Kakeyu Onsen
Chiisagata Gun, JP
Saito Ryokan has been established since EDO era was renewed in 1993. Hot springs in Kakeyu have been widely loved from the old days for it is believed to be effective for high blood pressure and neuralgia. Wheelchairs are always available for handicapped and senior persons.We have a hot water swimming pool, a gym equipped with training materials and open air baths. We have all the convenience of hotels in this Ryokan. All rooms face the mountain, river streams by the side of property. ...

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