Hampton Inn Portland - Gresham

Hampton Inn Portland - Gresham
3039 Northeast 181st Avenue
Portland, OR US

Rating: RATING 3
OOur Portland/Gresham location is perfectly located for your business or leisure visit to the Rose City. Hotel is located only 7 miles east of the Portland Intl' Airport and adjacent to the I-84 for easy access to all areas of Portland. This hotel features an indoor pool for your enjoyment and also our famous complimentary breakfast bar. All rooms feature a microwave, refrigerator and full cable with HBO and Starz Movie Channel. Hotel is also located at the Gateway to the Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area and in close proximity to Multnomah Water Falls.


From Portland Intl Airport: go straight on NE Airport Way for about 7 miles. Hotel will be on right past intersection of NE Sandy Blvd. From Interstate 84 (I-84) east or west: take exit 13, go north on 181st Ave hotel will immediately on left side. From I-205: take exit 22 (I-84 east), Off of I-84 east take exit 13, go north on 181st Ave hotel will immediately on left side. From Portland Intl Airport: straight on Airport Way for 7 Miles, hotel on right side.


Burger King
0.4 Miles.
Francis Xaviers
1.0 Miles.
1.0 Miles.
Jung's Dynasty
0.6 Miles.
Pizza Hut
1.0 Miles.
Plum Tree
1.0 Miles.
3.0 Miles.
0.5 Miles.
Sharis Restaurant
0.5 Miles.
0.6 Miles.

Area Attractions

Albertson's Warehouse
1.0 Miles S.
American Honda
0.5 Miles W.
Banfield Business-Corp Park
1.0 Miles S.
0.5 Miles E.
Boyd's Coffee
0.5 Miles E.
Columbia Gorge Fac Outlets
4.0 Miles W.
0.5 Miles S.
Fujitsu Micro-Electronics
3.0 Miles E.
U.S. Bank Processing Center
0.1 Miles W.
Microchip Technology, INC.
3.00 miles E


Blue Lake-County Park
5.0 Miles E.
Bybee Lake
20.0 Miles W.
Columbia River
2.0 Miles N.
Columbia River Gorge
50.0 Miles E.
Glendoveer Golf Course
3.0 Miles SW. Golf course
Jantzen Beach
15.0 Miles W.
Lloyd Center
10.0 Miles W. Portland's largest mall
Market Street
12.0 Miles W. Saturday market
Max Light Rail
2.0 Miles S. Light rail to downtown Portland
Metro Washington Park Zoo
18.0 Miles W. City zoo-Hoyt Arboretum
Mt. Hood National
45.0 Miles E. Snow skiing - light powder
Mt. St. Helen's Volcano
90.0 Miles N. National park
Multnomah Falls
40.0 Miles E. I-84 east of hotel..620 Ft falls
Multnomah Greyhound Race TRK
4.0 Miles E. Dog racing
Ocean Beaches
90.0 Miles W.
Portland Airport
7.0 Miles E. International Airport
Portland Center-Perfrm Arts
12.0 Miles W. Performing arts center
Portland Intl Raceway
9.0 Miles NW. Indy car and drag racing
Portland Meadows
12.0 Miles W. Horse racing-October thru April
Rose Garden Arena
10.0 Miles W. Trail Blazers and Winter Hawks
Outlet Mall
4.0 miles E

Check Hotel Availability


  • Hairdryers Available
  • Meeting/Banquet Facilities
  • Television with Cable
  • Laundry/Valet Services
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