Studios Vilas Maria

Studios Vilas Maria
Caminho da Nazare, 24
Funchal, PT

Rating: 2 Stars
Ideally suitably for independent and inexpensive vacation in unconstrained atmosphere: 7 small holiday apartments in row house form on a hill to the west of the city centre. The first restaurants and bars in 500 m. POSITION (approx. data): Airport 24 km, centre 2.5 km. Dining: They can do a culinary trip by the specialities of the island during your vacation and discover something new every day. Typical hors-doeuvres are grilled ' limpets ' or 'Gaiado' - a kind of tuna - and of course 'Lapas' the ducks mussels which are hotly served in the frying pan. One of the probably most typical speciality is the shepherds spit, the 'Espetada'. Many restaurants serve this spit, while they hang up him on a linkage which is put on the table. Originally this spit was always a Lorbeerstecken, today he is multiple from metal. The thick pieces of meat are spiced with laurel and sea salt. Recreation:

Room Information




Restaurant / Dining Information
They can do a culinary trip by the specialities of the island during your vacation and discover something new every day. Typical hors-doeuvres are grilled ' limpets ' or 'Gaiado' - a kind of tuna - and of course 'Lapas' the ducks mussels which are hotly served in the frying pan. One of the probably most typical speciality is the shepherds spit, the 'Espetada'. Many restaurants serve this spit, while they hang up him on a linkage which is put on the table. Originally this spit was always a Lorbeerstecken, today he is multiple from metal. The thick pieces of meat are spiced with laurel and sea salt.

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  • 220 AC
  • Cribs Available
  • Double Bed
  • Hairdryers Available
  • Radio
  • Safe
  • Single Bed
  • Twin Bed
  • WC
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