Cameron Hotels

Budget Host Inn-Stes Cameron
102 Lafferty Avenue Cameron, TX US Rating: 3 STARS - STARS Rating,

When you stay at Budget Host Inn, you will find exceptional quality and value. With more than 160 Inns and 7,000 guest rooms in 37 states. Budget Host Inns are conveniently located to major attractions, restaurants, shopping, and recreation areas. To ensure that that travelers stay in a clean, comfortable room, each inn is regularly inspected by a professional, highly-skilled inspector. Most Budget Host inns are AAA-rated. ...
102 Lafferty Avenue Cameron, TX US Rating: 2 Stars

Conveniently located between Dallas and Houston on Highway 77 and a short drive from Texas A&M and Baylor, the Budget Host Inn & Suites offers easy access to all that Cameron has to offer including Milam County Museum, Alcoa Aluminum, Tyler Technology, and The Williams Civic Center. Whether you're here for he Annual Dewberry Festival, Arts & Crafts Show and Fun Run or the Cameron Chamber Christmas Classic Basketball Tournament, you'll enjoy cozy yet modern elegance at this beautiful retreat. ...