Veysonnaz Hotels

Hotel Chalet Royal
NO STREET ADDREs Veysonnaz, CH Rating: 3 Star

Spend a unforgettable moment in this elegant hotel with his excellent position in the heart of the station and at the bottom of the ski slops as well as the magnificient view you never will forget. The style is rustic and the atmosphere friendly and warm. ...
Parking les Grangettes Veysonnaz, CH
In the heart of the Ski Resort and at the bottom of the ski slopes you will find this imposing Hotel with a Panoramic View on the Rhone Valley and the Alps. Built in a rustic style. The atmosphere of the Hotel is warm and friendly. The Hotel Chalet Royal is situated in Veysonnaz Resort 14 km from Sion the Capital of the Valais. It is easy to find. Coming by the highway from Lausanne use the exit Sion-Ouest (West) follow direction Nendaz until Beuson and turn to the left direction Veysonnaz. Coming from Sierre use the exit Sion-Est (East) follow th ...